Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day Three

Three days ago I joined Weight Watchers online. I'm not certain what it was that finally had me taking this step but after just three days I'm immensely glad I did.

Anyone who has followed the points system in the past can attest to the fact that for the first three weeks of religiously following the points you are starving! Seriously, you feel as though you're starving. Because I have the distinct habit of constantly overeating I'm feeling the starvation full throttle. I've been drinking more water, tea and black coffee (all zero points) than any person really should in hopes of fighting the empty feeling. I've been trying to do my best to keep busy and to focus on anything other than the fact that I would love to stuff my face. You see, being a former WW success story I know for certain that this feeling does soon pass and then the euphoria of dropping those unwanted pounds takes over. Only 18 more sleeps to go!!

In spite of the fact that I'm feeling a wee bit hungry I will say that the first three days have been a breeze. I've been more disciplined then I have been in months, oh hell, maybe even years. I have my goal in my sights and I periodically I can be caught saying to myself this is going to be easy. I can envision the small healthy weighted version of me crossing the finish line of a few summer triathlons. I can see myself lying on a Dominican beach stretched out on a towel in my new bikini. I can see myself completing my first ever 1/2 Iron Man competition. Oh sh*t, I can see myself losing my mind and having delusions from overwhelming hunger pangs.

Only 18 more sleeps to go...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So far, so good.

I instituted the rules on Sunday and so far things are going well this week.

I started my regime with a 45 minute run on the most amazing, sunny Sunday. I followed up that brilliant run with a class at the gym on Monday night. Don't even get me started about the class and it's "circle of trust" but I will say that I'm still feeling the effects in my abs today so something good must have happened. I took a break on Tuesday night and then I was back at it today. I came home from work at 5:30 and immediately threw on my gear and headed out for a 30 minute run and mixed in some hills.

Even though I'm still up and I mean way up in the weight department I'm feeling great! Really, really great!!! This almost makes me mad when I think about it. Why do I give up on the exercise? WHY?!?!?!

The update on food is as follows: I'm still eating! HAHA But not as much as before AND I'm not feeling the urge to binge on peanut cups anymore. I've also managed to eat a fruit or vegetable at 98% of my meals.

With all that said, I'm really hoping I manage to keep this up...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some rules...

I've decided to institute a few basic rules for myself it hopes of curb my out of control diet. And the rules are:

1. if I go to a restaurant/pub etc I will not order the fries if I can get salad instead.
2. I will exercise at least 4 times per week.
3. I will eat some produce with every meal.
4. No more cream in coffee (this might seem minimal but I drink lots and lots of coffee)

So far that's it. I'm certain new rules will make their way into my every day life but I think the ones I've already decided on can be managed. I'm not denying myself restaurants or imposing an unrealistic diet/exercise regime and that's a really good start. '

Well got to go, I'm off for a run. Fingers crossed it goes well.

Friday, October 23, 2009

More Motivation...

It looks like in the near future I may be working for/with an IronWoman. How's that for motivation?!?! Yikes. Now nothing is for certain but I think it's about time to turn my chubby train around and start taking some life changes a bit more seriously.

I've decided to start by throwing out the leftover pizza from last night, the box of Joe Louis I recently acquired and the box of almond brittle I've be shoving in my face each day at my desk. I would call that a good start.

An IronWoman can you imagine? I'm already in awe of discipline and ashamed of my lack thereof. If our relationship does come to be you can be damn sure that she will never, NEVER see me hustling back a pumpkin spice mega muffin from the coffee shop on the corner!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Take a Deep Breath

I`m feeling better then I was yesterday and exponentially better then the day that I found I weighed oh so very much. Like I mentioned yesterday I won`t be making any promises this time round. I`m going to try and find my motivation somewhere and I think this afternoon I discovered a small but very distinct motivator. It`s called `oh my God, my bra is so tight I believe a wire just punctured my sternum `!!!

Last March a friend and I went for a professional bra fitting. During that fitting I discovered a few things: 1. I`ve been wearing the wrong size for a very, very long time; 2. Bras that fit properly cost lots and lots of money; and 3. When a bra fits properly it`s super duper tight compared to ill-fitting ones you`re used to. Needless to say because I was now fitted for the proper size I went a little overboard buying expensive bras that restricted the air flow to my lungs.

Fast forward about six months and definitely 10+ pounds and on the days I wear a bra (everyday) my lung capacity is the equivalent to that of a five pack-a-day veteran smoker.

As it turns out the prospect of spend a thousand more dollars on bras that allow me to breeze freely again is enough motivation I needed to get through a run last night and a 50 minute walk home today.
Photo from:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm Disgusted and Getting FATTER?!?!?

It goes without saying that I'm going to spew out the same complaint today that I have done many, many times before. There is no difference today save for the fact that I'm no longer deluding myself that I have a problem and that my eating habits are now putting my mind and body in jeopardy.

After weighing last week only hours post vacation (always a HUGE mistake) I discovered; however, wasn't surprised to see that I'm now a whopping twenty (20) pounds heavier then I was 18 months ago. For those of you who will say that I look fine, what am I worried about, this means that I've managed to gain back one third of the weight that I spent the better part of 2004 trying to lose. I'm familiar with the slope I'm on and it's very, VERY slippery.

I don't know what to say. I'm not even sure what course of action to take. Needless to say I'm disappointed in myself but I'm also completely petrified of becoming the plus size girl that I was some years ago.

Since weighing myself last week I have managed to refrain from eating out and I've also exercised twice. Now save your pat on the back for when I make some real progress. This time around I will make no promises, I have secret tool I'm going to use and I won't hang my hope on some points counting system or herbal remedy. Instead I'm going to try to make some positive changes. I will think twice about fries with that and I will recognise and acknowledge that it's only me that can make the changes that I want to see.

My pants are too tight and my alarm bells are sounding!!!
Ding, ding, ding...

Here is a link to 101 Greatest Running Tips. I realise not everyone is a runner but maybe something in the article will resonate with you and give you one more reason to keep going. People find inspiration in the most unlikely places.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dropping the Pounds

First let me say thank you to Anais for your comments. You mentioned that I might have a harder time on my second run back then I did my first so I took your words to heart and have avoided running since my wonderful treadmill run a few weeks ago!!! HAHA Just kidding. I'm being truthful about the not running part but in no way was I scared off by your comments Anais. Seriously.

On to my status update: I've managed to drop another few pounds this week and I'm down a total of 6.5 pounds since I stopped working out. I will admit that since I stopped working out I also stopped eating as much AND I've now on day 4 of a major cold and the sickness has stopped me from eating AT.ALL.

I expect that when I get back to a normal, healthly routine I might rebound a few pounds but I am prepared and won't consider it a major failure. I am also going to take the words of Jane, the dietician to heart, exercising does not give you a license to eat more!! If I burn 500 calories during a run and then come home and eat 600 calories to "refuel" my body, what have I gained? tenth of a pound! I've literally negated all my efforts and will be disappointed on weigh-in day.

Stay tuned...back to exercise this week (if/when I kick this cold).

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Tonight I took a cardio kick boxing class. I have to admit I enjoyed myself but I also left the class wanting to get in a fight!?!? I'm hoping that was just the extra adrenaline I had worked up during the class. I'm writing this post three hours after the class and I've hit no one so I think that i might try the class again next week.

It looks like I might be up for another run of a few weeks at the gym. I've got my taste for it again and slowly but surely the memories of what the trainer did to me are fading from my mind!

My eating on the other hand is still rather uncontrolled. For your viewing pleasure I give you a page out of Erica's food diary:

BREAKFAST: oatmeal with raspberries, coffee, store bought muffin, coffee
LUNCH: 1/3 sleeve of pringles, 1/2 bag of mini rice cakes (ranch flavour), cereal bar, water, lean cuisine lasagna, 14 jelly beans, worther;s original, water
DINNER: banana, iced coffee (brewed coffee with ice not TH style), water, pho soup, green tea, beef and rice noodle rolls, mocha latte (homemade with instant coffee and hot chocolate)

Now that I've written it all down it doesn't seem as bad as I'd thought it might be. This seems to me to be a typical day in the life of me. I will admit that I'm eating out a lot but that is related to circumstances beyond my control that should be corrected very soon.

Lastly, I found this little tidbit in this month's Women's Health:

Your weight X 11 = the amt of calories you should be able to eat each day and still lose 1lb/week
**assuming that you're doing at least 30 minutes of exercise, three time per week.

Seems simple enough right? Hmmmmmmm? Maybe I'll cut back a coffee or two and see how things go!

Until next time HIYA!!!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

34 Minutes

On a whim (carefully planned) I made it to the gym tonight. Since I hadn't been in over two weeks and let me clarify I have done none, zero, no exercise in the past two weeks I decided to take it easy. I hopped on the treadmill and envisioned huffing and puffing my way through a light 20 minutes jog but instead I managed to power through 34 mins of 10K/hour running!!

I'm sure you can't even understand how excited I was when I jumped off the treadmill soaked in sweat feeling spry and fit! On my way home I actually thought to myself that I couldn't wait to head back to the gym tomorrow after work to experience the same delightful high as I did tonight.

Is this how regular people stay motivated? They go to the gym and feel good about their workout and therefore good about themselves? Hard to say but I've got my fingers crossed.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Caught a Glimpse...

Oh my God!!! I was cleaning my house up today and I caught a quick look at myself in a nice clean mirror and I was shocked!

Let me start off by saying that I haven't worked out in any capacity since my last post. I'm still not sure why I gave up but I'm going to use the excuse that life got in my way. I've been painting, constructing, house hunting and working and somehow I have completely neglected working out. There is no excuse for this, agreed.

I might add that I have also been losing weight so I am more confused than ever. Along with my weight loss has also come the loss of my body shape. I'm getting all loosey goosey and today when I saw it the mirror I realised there need be no more excuses.

I, like Deb, will be starting back on track OR soon I'll be tearing down all the mirrors in my house!?!?!


Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm baaaaaack....

I know it has been a while. I have made excuse after excuse about why I have not been posting. I am back and here to stay.

What can I say? Life took over for a couple of months and I forgot about taking care of me. I am starting off Labour Day right by cooking a homemade chicken soup for dinner and lunches this week, and I am thinking about how much activity I can fit in today to get off to a good start.

I am not going to step on the scale. Not going to do that to myself. I know I enjoyed too much wine and treats over the summer and now I am paying for it. I have decided not to focus on the scale and instead focus on how I feel and how I fit into my clothes.

It's a brand new day.

~ Deb

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I feel as though I’m officially a broken record. I have been screaming the merits of personal training for no less than three weeks now because I really believe in what they do. I had my third and final training session with Brendan last night. He had given me a head’s up the previous week that we were going to be doing something he likes to call “POWERBURST”?!?! Say what? I tried to negotiate with him the previous week, explaining that I was fat and unfit so maybe this “burst” would be a terrible idea. Nevertheless, he assured me that I would do little harm to myself by trying it once, in spite of my lesser degree of conditioning.

With that I arrived after work yesterday terrified and knowing full well the workout ahead of me was going to render my muscles useless for many days post the fun time!!

The workout:
JUMP SQUATS – 30 seconds
(I started in a squatting position and did a 2 footed jump up onto a platform 10 inches from the ground, then back down into the squat, continuous motion, no rest)
PLYO STEP-UPS – 30 seconds
(I stepped up onto a platform 14 inches from the ground then jumped onto my other foot and back down again, very similar to a basic in a step class but jumping between each foot, continuous motion, no rest)
SLALOM JUMPS – 30 seconds
(side to side jumping over a bar)
(squat down and pick up a 6kg medicine ball, pushed it over my head and jump up into the air, like I’m doing a jump shot in basket ball)
(squat down and pick up 6kg medicine ball, stand up with arms extended crossing the ball across my body and throwing it to a partner 6 feet away)
PLYO LUNGES – 15 reps
(lunge down and then jump into lunge with other leg, continuous motion)
ONE LEG DEAD LIFTS – 15 reps per leg
SQUATS – 15 reps
(fifteen squats on the half exercise ball in order to work core balance)

I know what you’re thinking, so what? That doesn’t seem like much. I will mention that there was only a one minute rest at the end of completing the entire set and then we started it all over again. We did this three times and then worked on some core exercise. I became nauseous about 15 minutes into the workout and I can barely remember anything that happened after that. I was sweating so profusely I was certain that I’d taken a shower with my clothes on.

After the workout was over, Brendan and I talked about whether I planned on continuing with him. Even though I believe that I’ve worked out harder in the three sessions with him than I have in the past five years, I can’t find a way to justify a $400/month exercise bill. If only I was able to buy one or two sessions a month I would be there but only if he promised never to mention POWERBURST ever, ever again.

So it goes; we went our separate ways with a handshake and some advice to eat some protein and STRETCH because tomorrow is gonna hurt!!!!

It’s tomorrow…I’ve been investigating buying a catheter online for the past 10 minutes because I can’t bear the thought of making it to the bathroom one more time today! My legs are officially on strike and it doesn’t look like they plan on going back to work any time soon.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trainers are...

…worth all the money you paid for them!!

I worked out last Wednesday with my trainer before step class. That’s right training and then step class! We did what he called super sets – back & biceps. You pair up one bicep exercise with one back exercise and you just jump from one exercise to the next with little rest attempting and work your muscles to exhaustion. And yes, it’s just as fun as it sounds!!?!?

My final set which included assisted chin-ups, CHIN-UPS, the super set had already left my hands so weak that I slipped off the bar!! So graceful…

The next morning I had a great deal of difficulty brushing my teeth. And shortly after that point I could barely move my arms and my hands werw all but useless save for the shooting pain that they kept sending out. I felt weak and nauseous and all that for the discount price of $35!

I'm dreading next week. Appparenly we're doing something called "Power burst"?!?! Oh F*CK!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Exercise, exercise and more exercise...

This past weekend I competed in the last duathlon I have planned for this season. It was f*cking HOT!! I felt like I was competing on the sun. The temperature in the shade when we entered into the bike portion of the race was 34 degrees!! WTF??

In any event the race came and went. I put in my strongest cycle leg of the whole season but also the worse run portion. It seems that I can't get both cycle and run on track for the same event. Oh well, next year is a new season.

I will say that I enjoy competing in these types of events very much but the fact that I can complete these events and still not move the scale is getting me down. I even thought seriously of picking up smoking again this week just so that I can see the scale move in my favour once this year.

As you may or may not know I'm actually up one pound from our original start six weeks ago. I know...I can barely believe it myself. However, in the spirit of this blog and of not giving up I read a few stories today of how to bust through a plateau and I'm going to do my best to stay focused and tackle this hurdle.

So in that vein, tomorrow I'm back with the trainer from hell Brendan and then off to another humiliating step class. The following day I have plans to hop around with a noticeable limp acquired from time spent with Brendan, I will weigh myself to add insult to injury and I will look my closet straight in the eye and say: YOU WILL NOT WIN!


Exercise Numbers:
Sunday - 1 hour, 45 mins run/cycle/run
Monday - zip, zero, nada
Tuesday - 27:47 run, set of lunges, set of leg push offs

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why we need trainers?!?!

Last night I worked out with my trainer, Brendan, for the first time.

A few weeks ago I decided to take advantage of a promotion at my gym. I bought three training sessions for around $70. They were practically giving the training away, so I thought why not? My thought process was that I would have the trainer develop a weight training routine and I would do the routine at least once a week to expedite my weight loss. Do you see that this was all part of the grand plan?

The one thing that I failed to plan on was the extreme pain I would be in the day following the session with the trainer and the fear that the second day after is always the worst!! If you're catching my drift you know by now that I expect that I will be completely immobile tomorrow after my muscles atrophy during the night. I only have a one hundred count bottle of advil on hand so I fear I may not make it until morning. Oh God, help me!

I had thought that I was in relatively good shape and I believed that the session with Brendan would not be a walk in the park but I would manage without being tested. I thought I might be pushed to my limits but I never expected the "no pain, no gain" adage would involve so much pain. This has led me to two conclusions:

2. Working with a trainer is a valuable use of money and if you had lots and lots of it, you should use it to work with a trainer every time you can.

Ahhhhhhhh, if only I had lots and lots of money...


Exercise numbers:
Wednesday - 1 hour weight training & 1 hour STEP class
Weight - 188lbs. (up 1/2 pound from initial weigh-in)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Last week I did not exercise! I repeat I did NO exercise. I'm not sure why I decided to take the week off but I guess I felt I had earned it. That's interesting because I didn't earn it by eating well or because I'd lost some pounds, I think maybe my motivation is waning like every other time I've decided to get fit and healthy!

I'm not sure what my problem is but I've decided to get back on track. I've decided to go back to managing my food a la the Weights Watchers Points method and do at least 30 mins of exercise a day. I had once lost a significant amount of weight counting points and I'm hoping the formula will work it's magic again; fingers crossed.

In the spirit of our open and honest relationship I also took my measurements today. I had put it off long enough; it was time to face the music.

Chest: 39" (no change)
Waist: 36" (down 1 inch, YAHOO)
Hips: 43.5 (down 1/2 inch, YAHOO)

So in spite of myself I've managed to move off an inch and a half! I've been telling myself for awhile that this quest will be about inches and not about weight but secretly I'm hoping for great results with all numbers.

I have yet to weigh-in but when I know, you'll know...


Exercise: Run 31:17 mins.

Friday, August 7, 2009

How to Look Good Naked

Oh my God! Today I finished my application to be a contributor on the TV show How to Look Good Naked.

Holy f*cking cats!?!?!

I'm still in shock! The application required me to provide not one, not two but three pictures of myself dressed only in my underwear. I can't believe that I sent a group of total stranger a portfolio of half naked pictures of myself. I must be insane OR desperately looking to regain the confidence I once had? I'm still not sure which.

Here is the link to the application:

Pass it on to anyone you think would benefit from the experience. I believe in anything that is going to help you love the skin your in (thanks Dove) and I have my fingers half crossed that I'll be chosen for the show.


I like to move it, move it!

Here are a few of the songs keeping me moving right now:

Love Game - Lady Gaga
Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
Final Countdown - Europe
Boom Boom Pow - Black Eyed Peas
Elinor Rigby - David Cook
When Love Takes Over - Kelly Rowland
Battlefield - Jordin Sparks
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Beat It - Fall Out Boy
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

I know, I know I love me some pop music. Don't hate me because I'm so mainstream!!


Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Hi there, it feels as though it's been too long!
Last Sunday I participated in my second duathlon of the year. I'm thrilled to say I finished and not last (second last)! The duathlon was in Kingston this time round. I have a friend who lives there so I packed up my gear and headed to Kingston on Saturday night. The weather in Ottawa and Kingston was just beautiful Saturday and I was looking forward to the same for race day. Since I had to pick up my race kit and have my bike safety checked before the race I had to get up EXTRA early for the duathlon. I woke up just before 6am to get myself up and ready for the race. I woke up to pouring rain and stormy gray skies!?!? WHAT? I thought I was going to just take part in approximately three hours of exericse in the breezy, hot sun?? BUT no, no it was pouring rain with zero clearing in sight. Sucks.

The first leg of the race, a 4K run was done in almost darkness but only misting style rain. I finished the run in just over 22 mins and headed to the transition zone to get ready for the bike. Helmet on and bike in hand I headed out to the bike. I had already been warned that it was "slightly hilly". HOLY cats! Only 5 minutes into my 30K bike ride I learned that "slightly hilly" was a collosal understatement AND there came the rain!!! Torrential downpour. Cue winds, cue hail, cue slippery handle bars and soaking wet everything!

I ended finishing the bike in good time and took off for the last leg, a 7.5K run. The last run was good but filled with many walk breaks. The rain had broken and was only coming down sporadically. I ended up finishing to the surprise of my parents, boyfriend and friends cheering my on! AND almost like it had been ordered...the sun started to shine.

TOTAL exercise time: 2hours, 47 minutes, 38 seconds
I highly recommend a race, the sense of accomplishment outweighs all of the struggle it got to get there!!


P.S. I haven't exercised since the race. BOO! I need to get myself back on track!

(no proofreading done)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Exercise Numbers Weekly

Okay here they are, now maybe you can understand my disappointment:

Monday: 36 mins walk & 45:46 cycle
Tuesday: bike to and from work (approx 35 mins)
Wednesday: 45 mins STEP class & 35:10 walk
Thursday: 45 mins SPIN class (group cycling) & 45 mins swimming
Friday: ????


Up....Say What?!?!

I weighed in this morning after I finished my 6am spin class, that's right I said, 6am spin class!! The results were disappointing, even though the word disappointing can't begin to capture the sadness I'm feeling. Turns out I am up 2 pounds. I suppose I'm not entirely shocked being that I've already discussed my love of overeating but really, did this news have come the day I woke up in the 5 hour to attend an exercise class BEFORE work?!?!?

SWEET F*CK!!!!!!!!!

Measurements to come tomorrow, stay tuned...


Friday, July 24, 2009

NO Change

Geez, it's been a long time since I posted, eh?
As per the commitment I made to you I weighed in Thursday morning. I had had a particularly bad eating day the previous Sunday so I wasn't expecting great things. I reluctantly looked down and was pleasantly surprised to see 185.5, that's right, NO CHANGE!

I will admit that I was a bit disappointed because this weight loss thing is supposed to be easy right? The fat is supposed to be melting off my body just because I'm committed this time. Sadly, this is simply not the case.

My weakness has always been and will always be food. I love it! AND mostly the bad stuff. Cinnamon buns with cream cheese frosting haunt my dreams and scream my name day and night. I have a love for pizza so intense that I once dined on the good stuff for three meals a day for four consecutive days...yummy!

I've continued to stick with the exercise and I'm hoping to get a little better at the eating each and every week. At some point I will post a section of my food diary but for now I don't want to scare you so I'll just stick to telling you that I make some very, very bad choices.

NO CHANGE this week and for this I'm thankful.
Next week is measurements and weight!! Wow, the time really flies!


Weekly Exercise Log

Monday: biked to/from work (I don't count as exercise even though my bike weighs 85lbs!)
Tuesday: 60+ mins cycle
Wednesday: 60 mins STEP class (still humiliating) & 36 walk home
Friday: 36 min walk home & 36 min/6K in the POURING RAIN!!! This should count for double since my clothes weighed 30 pounds by the time I got home!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weight a minute!

I weighed in on Thursday. Progress so far:

July 2 198.4
July 9 197.0 (down 1.4)
July 16 196.0 (down 1)

Total 2 week loss = 2.4 pounds! My first goal is to get down to a size 14 from a 16, then a 12. I will reevaluate at that point. I have worn everything between a size 8 and a size 16, and a 12 is where I'd like to be. I want to be able to shop at any store... I remember a time when I could buy pants off the rack at GAP and they would always fit. I can still buy their clothes, but have to try on about a dozen items before I find something that looks ok.

Found out that biking outdoors in summer heat is much more challenging than the recumbent cycle. Although I still love my recumbent cycle for days when the weather is not cooperating.

I've also learned that I can eat out every so often and still lose weight. For example, I had lunch at McDonald's on my day off this week, but instead of a large combo, had a cheeseburger, small fry, and diet coke. Only 520 calories! Not bad if my daily goal is to eat 1700 calories.

I am quite excited about the get fit bandwagon this time around as it doesn't feel like too much effort is required to lose 1 pound per week.

I'm journalling everything, exercising 30 mins per day, and making small changes.

~ Deb

Friday, July 17, 2009

Could it be contagious?

For health reasons my boyfriend’s sister started riding her stationary bike for 30 minutes a day and also made sure to take a walk on her lunch hour. She started watching what she was eating and cooled the takeout and, so far, has managed to drop 60+ pounds!!! I was so jealous that I decided to get myself in gear. I thought if success only required a little effort, then a little effort is what I would put forth. After all I just wanted to feel (read: look) better and at this point I also needed to satiate my competitive appetite! It wasn’t fair that she was strutting around her new svelte body and I was desperately trying to cover myself from collarbone to ankle! So I made up my mind to climb abroad the GET FIT train and started to spread the word that maybe this fitness thing might take less effort then we all thought. Could all of our goals be achievable too?

As it appears this motivation thing is contagious. Since catching the GET FIT bug from my boyfriend’s sister, it would seem that I might be passing it on. I have a friend that has started on her fitness/get healthy routine too and her progress is as follows:

23 minutes on treadmill = 1 mile (1.60900 km), 143 calories burned @ incline 5...WITH A MIGRAINE!!
40:12 sweatin to the oldies
34 min treadmill - 156 calories burned. Went slow, not feeling the best.

It’s this kind of effort that will have you feeling great and seeing results soon! I’ve decided that no effort is too small and recently read a great quote: If you’re moving, you’re losing. Is there anything more to say???

Keep up the good work!!

Exercise Numbers

Tuesday: 30 min walk
Wednesday: 60 min STEP class & biked to and from work
Thursday: 30 min. walk
Friday: bike to and from work

Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday Exercise

Bike - 52:43
Walk - 37 mins.

- Erica
I have decided to push myself a little harder in the exercise department. I raised the resistance a notch and went for 3 mins longer than the usual 30 on the recumbent cycle tonight. I am so glad I bought this thing; it's perfect for the unpredictable rainy weather we've been experiencing. And I bought it gently used, so the price was right too. And better entertainment than the gym as I can watch any channel or movie my little heart desires (or I can watch the dogs wrestle).

I am feeling like I'm right back on the wagon and more determined than ever! OK, so the results may not be great this week, big deal? I will focus on the long term health benefits and inches lost (although a pound would be nice too, but that will come).

~ Deb

Doing the DU

Yesterday (Sunday) I participated in my first duathlon of the season. A duathlon consists of two run portions with a cycle leg in between. It is essentially a triathlon without all those messy wardrobe changes and the immobilising fear that a camera man will catch you at any point in your swimwuit! So yesterday my du consisted of a 2K run followed by a 20K cycle and finishing up with a 5K run.

I woke up bright and early in the morning to make sure that I had time for some food and that I wouldn't feel rushed. I gathered up all the equipment, completed the mental checklist, ate the last few bites of my toast and headed out. It was a nice serene car ride to the race course and surprisingly I wasn't feeling nervous at all. I arrived in perfect time, picked up the race kit, set myself up in the transition zone and went back to the car to scarf down a bagel (I think athletes call that carb loading??) before the big race. The countdown was on, only 20 minutes to go before the start.

For the start I queued up with a thousand of my closest friends and we were off. I managed the first leg, 2K run, with ease. I hurried into the transition zone and quickly changed into my cycling gear and jogged out of the t-zone and began the cycle leg. Now I need to stress that cycling is NOT my forte! AT.ALL. Little did I know that the 20K cycle leg was going to have more ups and downs than a fairpark roller coaster. Every minute was torture. My legs hurt, my ass hurt and the scenery? Can anyone say cornfields? Anyhow during the hour on the bike it felt like almost every person on the planet passed me on their bikes. Oh well, I'm not out to win, I'm out for the sense of the accomplish, right?

By the time I'd finished the second leg I'd been heavy breathing for the better part of an hour. I hopped off my bike and onto a pair of bambi like legs that I didn't even recognise as my own. I knew I was standing upright but there was no way I could predict for how long! I made the second footwear change, struck up my iPod and headed out for quick little 5K run!!

All I remember is that the final run felt surreal. The entire way I wasn't sure if this would be the last second my legs would hold me up. I felt as though a collapse was inevitable. As it turns out I managed to cross the finish line and was suddenly hit with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. The numbers I turned out yesterday weren't my best by a long shot but I still finished. At this stage in my battle against my bulge could I really ask for more???

Total exercise time:
1 hour, 42 minutes and 7 seconds


By the Numbers

As promised I weighed my Thursday. I got up early in the morning and went into the bathroom to prime the scale. I gave myself the quick once over and prepared myself for what I envisioned would be another week of climbing numbers. I set the scale and stepped on. I didn't want to open my eyes. Sure I'd been exercising a little more but my eating wasn't perfect (read: bad, really, really bad) so I felt the results were inevitable. I slowly opened my eyes (one at a time) and then looked down. To my surprised the scale read 187. 187? 187? Even though I'm still a little distance from my goal, it looks like I'm starting down the right road and going in the right direction.

Yahoo!! Down 1.5 pounds.
If I keep this up, in 15 weeks I'll be down a whopping 20+ !!
I'm still very excited AND I didn't reward myself with a piece of butterscotch cheesecake! Look at that...more progress.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back on the wagon

Maybe I was feeling extra cocky because I lost 1.4 pounds last week, maybe my metabolism has sped up so much over the last few days that I need an abundance of salt and calories? All I know is I have been ignoring the exercise since Thursday, but I am back at er for Monday morning.

This has always been a problem for me. I am "good" all week with the eating and exercise, then come the weekend, all hell breaks loose! I just need to break this habit of mine so I don't undo all the good work I put in during the week. I feel terrible too. Dehydrated, tired, and bloated. I haven't diarized all weekend either, but I am sure that eating movie theatre popcorn, all-you-can-eat sushi, and McDonald's breakfast is more than enough salt to bloat myself up nicely. I can't remember the last time I peed? Not a good sign.

Monday is a new day! Want to challenge myself a little this week in the exercise department. I will add some strength training this week.

Oh, and Thursday's weigh-in results:

Previous: 198.4
Current: 197
Loss: 1.4 pounds
~ Deb

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A step in the right direction?

Tonight, immediately after work, I took part in an organized step class at my local gym. When I arrived at the gym there were only a few people setting up their steps in the classroom; however, slowly but surely the room started to fill up. This was a good sign I thought. If this many people come out for a step class, it must be good. When the instructor, Fred, arrived he set-up his microphone and tested his music and then headed up to the podium to lead an hours worth of stepping mastery. Before he started he asked if anyone was new to the class. I held up my hand and he looked over at me and he said "don't try to keep up, just try to keep moving". Huh? What? Just try to keep moving?

Without further adieu the class began, I looked around quickly to survey the room and discovered that I appeared to be the only cream puff in a room full of scuplted toothpick sized stepping machines!! Just keep moving I thought, just keep moving...

Within the first 10 minutes I had already fallen off the beat, my step and bumped into more than one toothpick. Just keep moving...twenty minutes more and I was getting a bit better at the basics, I had done what felt like 2 million squats and I appeared to be precipitating more than a tropical rain forest with 180% humidity! I was soaking wet, hurting from the waist down and had another 30 minutes to go. Jesus, who's idea was this step class anyway?!?!?

Needless to say I survived my first step class. I was told after the class that I did pretty well and I will only improve with continued participation. I was warned that my legs might hurt tomorrow and even more the next day but the results are worth it. I certainly hope so, I thought, because it might take more than two days to repair my broken down ego.

Until next week toothpicks, enjoy your celery sticks!


55 mins - step class
36 mins - walk home after step class

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I think I can, I think I can...

I have set a fitness goal for myself. This fall I want to run my first 1/2 marathon. Needless to say, I'm petrified.

In my quest to meet my goal in 10 weeks I frequently run home from work. To date I've managed to easily run 30 minutes each time out. Each run seems to get more and more fluid and smooth but I have yet to increase my time or start to push myself in preparation for the BIG RACE DAY! And then I ran home today...

Today I decided to push myself a little and take a longer route home. Each time I wanted to quit and walk I just told myself to go a little bit farther. I would choose the next house or the next tree and tell myself I could make it at least that far. When I finally reached home (running the entire time) I looked down at my watch and read 39:42!!! Oh my God! I almost increased my time by 10 minutes! That's big, it's huge! I was so proud of my accomplishment I almost didn't even notice that I felt great and wasn't gasping for air. It might have been possible to push a little further or a little harder?!?!

Even though my race is still ten weeks away for today, I think I can...

Run - 39:42
Weights - shoulders, squats, biceps, triceps, lats, calf raises, lunges

Monday, July 6, 2009

I need balance!

I watched a re-run episode of Oprah after work today where she talked about how she gained over 40 pounds back. She talked about putting herself back into her own schedule, and it makes perfect sense. Every time I just let everyday life take over and stop scheduling in time for myself, I stop doing purposeful exercise and I stop recording and the weight slowly creeps back up until I'm back at square one (or worse). Bob Greene popped the question, "What are you really hungry for?" And although I quickly assumed it's potato chips, it probably isn't. Like Oprah, I probably need more balance in my life. HALLELUJAH!

On another note, I experimented with a tofu stirfry recipe for dinner tonight and it was quite good. I got it from Rose Reisman's Web site (love her recipes; simply, healthy, and delicious).

I've been doing well with journalling and exercise over the past few days:

Saturday: 40 minute walk
Sunday: 35 minute walk
Monday: 30 minute recumbent cycle

Not too afraid of the weigh-in on Thursday. Feeling good and on the right track.


The Numbers

Sunday Exercise:
42:35 mins - Cycling
25 mins - Throwing Football

Monday Exercise:
17 mins - walk to work
39 mins - walk to home (pushing 60lbs bike)



When the Facts Aren’t Clear…

Today I learned that grapes, help people naturally gain weight and increase appetite. Incidentally, I learned this while consuming a large bunch of grapes, gasp! While I thought I was making a wise food related decision as it turned out I was only contributing to the problem that had me writing this blog in the first place. What on earth am I going to do? The answer: stop reading the internet!

Not twenty minutes after my grape related discovery and the subsequent self-loathing, my weight loss partner Deb located an article about natural weight-loss foods AND would you believe that grapes are listed? How can this be? One site says ‘DOWN WITH GRAPES’ and the next touts them as one of earth’s super foods. I’m so confused.

Since I much prefer not to spend hours beating myself up over a food choice, especially, when it seemed like a smart one, I elected to value Deb’s found info over that of my own. Yeah me, for enjoying a healthy snack today!! However, I’m still left with the dilemma of what to believe when it comes to literature about food. Since I’m choosing not to follow a fixed diet (Atkins/Zone/ww/etc) I have decided that I will base my food decisions on a simple question. On most occasions before I reach for a food I will ask myself: could I make this without a bio/chem degree? If the answer is yes, then I will eat it, if the answer is no? then I will think about it, for at least an extra 30 seconds!!! After all, who doesn’t love candy corn and licorice??


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Some vegetables are better than none, non?

The alarm sounded this morning at 8, about an hour later than my usual weekday wake-up. The night before I had quietly promised myself that I'd manage to fit in a short run before going to work for 10am. However, when the alarm sounds all that promise is gone from my head faster than I could press SNOOZE! 39 minutes later...I frantically jumped out of my bed and raced to the shower, knowing full well the sh*tshow about to ensue before of my broken promise. In all my haste, though, I do manage to make myself a protein shake with berries and bananas for breakfast. Mmmmmmmm, Mmmmmmmm good AND healthy too! I packed a delicious salad for lunch and I headed out to work with the best of intentions.

By 10:38am, I find myself daydreaming about nachos and hamburgers...while sugar plums danced in my head. I think if I promise to run after work doesn't that make a nachos/fries/hamburger lunch sound pretty reasonable?!?

An hour has passed and I compromise with my inner demons and eat a BLT with cheese and mayo. Hell, it can't be that bad, right? After all, it certainly isn't nachos/fries and a burger. But what happened to that salad you ask? Well don't fret I crushed it too with some creamy ranch dressing...YUMMY! Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse I found myself standing in the dessert fridge, at my work, debating on whether the pecan pie or the carrrot cake would be healthier?!? WTF is wrong with me??? Only three days ago I promised to set myself right, to start down the road of healthy eating and to start winning my personal war against my wardrobe. Needless to say I went for the carrot cake, because some vegetables are better than none right???

So in the battle against the bulge and the war against my wardrobe:

Bulge/War = 1
Erica = A BIG FAT (and I mean fat) ZERO!!

The Before....

Okay, finally, the before pictures and yes, the capri paints don't do anything for me!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Take a good look people... I won't look like this for long!

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

I (Deb) do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute this "lifestyle change", and will to the best of my ability, document every bite, lick, and taste (BLT) on the road ahead.

I finally faced the dreaded scale, and it whimpered, "198.4". Could this be right? I have been eating Cheerios and berries for breakfast, salads or soups for lunch, and sensible dinners.... I had a hard time sleeping after that slap in the face.

Erica and I were feeling bad about our current silhouettes and decided it was time for action, so I present to you our blog. It's not going to be pretty, or an easy ride, but I'm up for the challenge.

I am committed to journalling my food intake, doing 30 minutes of exercise per day, taking my morning vitamins, and trying to sneak in every drop of those 8 glasses of water. Pics to follow (ugh!)

Weight: 198.4
Height: 5' 5"
Chest: 42"
Waist: 38.5"
Hips: 47.5"
Exercise: 30 mins recumbent bike

Good things come in small packages

Today was particularly easy for me. I am feeling pretty hyped about this healthier lifestyle and find myself having more energy and making better choices. I know it's only week one, but I am going to enjoy this newfound optimism for as long as possible.

Erica stocked up on some low cal treats for the office yesterday, and tonight I decided to do the same. There are all kinds of great-tasting goodies that come in 100 calorie portions now. Might as well save myself the hassle of counting or weighing and just throw a package in my lunch and be done with it. Tonight after exercising, I decided to try out the Thinsations Bits & Bites... nipped that chip craving in the bud.

I have never set fitness goals before; it was always about pounds lost. I have decided that I want to get into shape so I can cross country ski this winter. I will join the local club and will take a few lessons to get back into the swing of things. I am thinking that cycling and strength training will give me a good start. Swimming also piques my interest.


31 min recumbent cycle

~ Deb

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day One

So today is day one, the first day of my motivation to get back to the body I once knew and loved. I remember, so fondly, a time when I could stand before my entire wardrobe and pick anything at random with no fear that it would be tight or snug or just plain ill-fitting. Ahhhhhh those were good times. After a four month battle with my closet, threats of a hunger strike and the scale slowly but surely increasing each week, the time for a change has finally arrived.

Today is day one, I will provide my starting measurements, weight and the before pictures (to be attached) and promise to talk about all the successes and failures that comes with a desire to feel better, look better and get back to the good ole days of making use of my full wardrobe.

In this blog I am not alone. Deb and I (Erica) can only speak for our own stories and shared experiences. Neither of us has ANY medical training whatsoever! AND should absolutely not be considered an authority on anything related to health and fitness. We're just two gals trying to get back to the bodies we once knew and loved.

Okay so the numbers, yikes!
Chest: 39"
Waist: 37" (I know!!! Oh my GOD! It's worse than I thought!)
Hips: 44"
Weight: 188.5
Height: 5'8"
Before photos: to follow
Exercise: 31:54 Run

I'll check measurements every second week and post my weight every week. I promise to log all the highs and lows of my unbalanced, carb rich diet and when and how I exercise, you're going to know about it.