Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dropping the Pounds

First let me say thank you to Anais for your comments. You mentioned that I might have a harder time on my second run back then I did my first so I took your words to heart and have avoided running since my wonderful treadmill run a few weeks ago!!! HAHA Just kidding. I'm being truthful about the not running part but in no way was I scared off by your comments Anais. Seriously.

On to my status update: I've managed to drop another few pounds this week and I'm down a total of 6.5 pounds since I stopped working out. I will admit that since I stopped working out I also stopped eating as much AND I've now on day 4 of a major cold and the sickness has stopped me from eating AT.ALL.

I expect that when I get back to a normal, healthly routine I might rebound a few pounds but I am prepared and won't consider it a major failure. I am also going to take the words of Jane, the dietician to heart, exercising does not give you a license to eat more!! If I burn 500 calories during a run and then come home and eat 600 calories to "refuel" my body, what have I gained? tenth of a pound! I've literally negated all my efforts and will be disappointed on weigh-in day.

Stay tuned...back to exercise this week (if/when I kick this cold).

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Tonight I took a cardio kick boxing class. I have to admit I enjoyed myself but I also left the class wanting to get in a fight!?!? I'm hoping that was just the extra adrenaline I had worked up during the class. I'm writing this post three hours after the class and I've hit no one so I think that i might try the class again next week.

It looks like I might be up for another run of a few weeks at the gym. I've got my taste for it again and slowly but surely the memories of what the trainer did to me are fading from my mind!

My eating on the other hand is still rather uncontrolled. For your viewing pleasure I give you a page out of Erica's food diary:

BREAKFAST: oatmeal with raspberries, coffee, store bought muffin, coffee
LUNCH: 1/3 sleeve of pringles, 1/2 bag of mini rice cakes (ranch flavour), cereal bar, water, lean cuisine lasagna, 14 jelly beans, worther;s original, water
DINNER: banana, iced coffee (brewed coffee with ice not TH style), water, pho soup, green tea, beef and rice noodle rolls, mocha latte (homemade with instant coffee and hot chocolate)

Now that I've written it all down it doesn't seem as bad as I'd thought it might be. This seems to me to be a typical day in the life of me. I will admit that I'm eating out a lot but that is related to circumstances beyond my control that should be corrected very soon.

Lastly, I found this little tidbit in this month's Women's Health:

Your weight X 11 = the amt of calories you should be able to eat each day and still lose 1lb/week
**assuming that you're doing at least 30 minutes of exercise, three time per week.

Seems simple enough right? Hmmmmmmm? Maybe I'll cut back a coffee or two and see how things go!

Until next time HIYA!!!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

34 Minutes

On a whim (carefully planned) I made it to the gym tonight. Since I hadn't been in over two weeks and let me clarify I have done none, zero, no exercise in the past two weeks I decided to take it easy. I hopped on the treadmill and envisioned huffing and puffing my way through a light 20 minutes jog but instead I managed to power through 34 mins of 10K/hour running!!

I'm sure you can't even understand how excited I was when I jumped off the treadmill soaked in sweat feeling spry and fit! On my way home I actually thought to myself that I couldn't wait to head back to the gym tomorrow after work to experience the same delightful high as I did tonight.

Is this how regular people stay motivated? They go to the gym and feel good about their workout and therefore good about themselves? Hard to say but I've got my fingers crossed.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Caught a Glimpse...

Oh my God!!! I was cleaning my house up today and I caught a quick look at myself in a nice clean mirror and I was shocked!

Let me start off by saying that I haven't worked out in any capacity since my last post. I'm still not sure why I gave up but I'm going to use the excuse that life got in my way. I've been painting, constructing, house hunting and working and somehow I have completely neglected working out. There is no excuse for this, agreed.

I might add that I have also been losing weight so I am more confused than ever. Along with my weight loss has also come the loss of my body shape. I'm getting all loosey goosey and today when I saw it the mirror I realised there need be no more excuses.

I, like Deb, will be starting back on track OR soon I'll be tearing down all the mirrors in my house!?!?!


Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm baaaaaack....

I know it has been a while. I have made excuse after excuse about why I have not been posting. I am back and here to stay.

What can I say? Life took over for a couple of months and I forgot about taking care of me. I am starting off Labour Day right by cooking a homemade chicken soup for dinner and lunches this week, and I am thinking about how much activity I can fit in today to get off to a good start.

I am not going to step on the scale. Not going to do that to myself. I know I enjoyed too much wine and treats over the summer and now I am paying for it. I have decided not to focus on the scale and instead focus on how I feel and how I fit into my clothes.

It's a brand new day.

~ Deb