Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some rules...

I've decided to institute a few basic rules for myself it hopes of curb my out of control diet. And the rules are:

1. if I go to a restaurant/pub etc I will not order the fries if I can get salad instead.
2. I will exercise at least 4 times per week.
3. I will eat some produce with every meal.
4. No more cream in coffee (this might seem minimal but I drink lots and lots of coffee)

So far that's it. I'm certain new rules will make their way into my every day life but I think the ones I've already decided on can be managed. I'm not denying myself restaurants or imposing an unrealistic diet/exercise regime and that's a really good start. '

Well got to go, I'm off for a run. Fingers crossed it goes well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Sorry I hadn't commented in a while, for some weird reason my blog list wouldn't show that you had updated your blog!

    I think those rules look great! I'm definitely working on 2 of those. I want to work out 5 times a week because my weight-loss seems to have come to a screeching halt so I want to kickstart it again. Plus I want to eat more veggies!

    And about the creamer in the coffee, you can do it! I used to drink mine with 2% and sugar, then I changed it to skim and sweetener, and now it's just skim milk :)
